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Secrets to Build Your Email List quickly! 
Unlock the Summit Success Blueprint:

Ignite Your Leads and Elevate Your Brand!

Discover How to Catapult Your Business Growth with the Ultimate Summit Strategies.

Get the same lead generation steps that have enabled my clients to add hundreds of thousands of leads to their email lists and generate 5, 6 and even 7 figures from their summits. 

You know it's important to generate leads. A well-built pipeline is the difference between business growth and struggling and hustling every single day to find your next buyer.

But in my nearly 12 years of experience, I have found ONE strategy that will help you fill your pipeline, level up your ability, and create relationships and visibility that you wouldn't otherwise have.

In short: Summits are about MORE than leads... but the leads are amazing.

I'll show you exactly how you can up your game with summits to not only generate hot & ready leads NOW....

But fill that ever-important pipeline for later.

The Grow & Profit Method

In this FREE training, I'm going to share proven, simple and easy to implement strategies from almost 10 years and 350+ online events that all together have generated millions of dollars in revenue and hundreds of thousands of brand new leads. 

With these strategies you will...

  • Discover how to fill your calendar, list, and pipeline with prospects at EVERY stage of the journey during one event... so you not only make sales NOW, but have a list of leads that will buy later, too.
  • Cut through the overwhelm of lead generation strategies and inject your business with the new, excited-to-buy leads that you need...
  • ​Get clarity on EXACTLY how a summit will be worth it for you (and what steps cannot be missed) so your time & energy investment will never go to waste...
  • ​Create leveraged success in your business so each action you take has multiple benefits (and your summit is no different!)... creating exponential momentum for everything you do...
  • ​Find the hidden benefits of a well-run summit that extend FAR beyond the list of leads you'll generate... PLUS how to use them to continue growing long after your event ends...

My goal for our time together is to help you feel confident and excited about hosting a summit because you know exactly how to make it work for you. Not just now, not just a month after the event... but over and over again.

 That's why using summits to fill your pipeline is my favorite method... and what I'm excited to share with you in this free training.

Who is this training for?
If you're into 'get rich quick' or 'bro marketing tactics', this isn't the training for you... seriously
This high-impact training is for you if you have goals... big goals for 2022. 
Those big goals might be written down or in your head... but you know they're gonna require you to stretch to meet them.

That means our job is to get you there. And no matter where you are in your business building, you're going to need a kick-ass plan that is doable and doesn't play into the "hustle" culture dynamic AND is scalable.

You want 100 new students in your course... that's a whole launch strategy my friend and we're going to talk about how to get you there and what you need to make it happen (or to adjust your goals if we need to).

Want to cross over that 6 figure mark or go for multiple six figure? Yes freaking please! We're going to talk REAL NUMBERS on how that works. What does the plan look like to get there, and what needs to change either with your current set up or with your future offerings to make it happen. 

This is NOT a goal setting training. I simply don't teach that. This training is 100% action based.

I'm going to help you look at what you have in your business RIGHT NOW and how you can work it into a proven method that will help you build your business. Your way. To meet YOUR goals.

This training and this system is DESIGNED for you to customize it to what meets YOUR needs. I'll hand you the framework and show you how to customize it... and you can move forward knowing you have a solid plan in place for 2022... and beyond.

About Jennie Wright

Hey there, I'm Jennie. 

I'm a List Build and Lead Generation expert - with over 375+ list builds under my belt for myself and my clients - I know what it takes to make one successful.

And even though it's not super sexy... profit starts in the planning. Whether you want to use organic promotion (so you don't spend a dime on advertising) or a mix of organic and paid traffic (which allows you to engage your new leads FAST)... you've got to know where you're going so you have enough time to get there.

I'm insanely motivated for my clients' success and nothing gets me happier than seeing YOU succeed with your list building efforts. Because when you build a list of highly qualified and engaged prospects... you can make an impact on the world that goes beyond just you or me.

#harshtruth time: Business Building takes some real work and some smart strategy, but the payoff is incredible. And it all starts with getting motivated, planning for success then working the plan!

Hear what Shawn thinks about working with me
Jennie Wright | Copyright  | All Rights Reserved
Disclaimer - This presentation is entirely free and will give you actionable steps to launching a program product or service.
Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved to be successful. 
Full Transparency: At the end of the training a program will be offered for purchase.
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